
Inviting, welcoming and connecting people who come to our church are critical and strategic steps for building healthy, vibrant and growing congregations.

Newcomers and parishioners are met at the door by greeters to welcome them into our worship service.  We give each newcomer a loaf of banana bread to thank them for worshiping with us. A welcoming letter is sent to those who sign our guest book and are given a packet of information about St. Bede’s.  A call is made to welcome newcomers and to answer questions.  

Invite Welcome Connect has begun small group dinners inviting the newcomers and “seasoned” parishioners to share a meal while joining with lots of conversation to answer questions like:

  • Where do I fit in? 
  • Can I make friends in this church? 
  • Is there room for me relationally? 
  • Does this church need me? 
  • Can I find a place to belong and serve? 
  • Am I safe here?

Loretta Vail, Chair

Click this link to read the full mission statement of the Invite-Welcome-Connect Committee